my feels


My feels.

All your feelings are different and all ore OK! Learn all about your feels.


Download the activity

Materials: Markers, color or crayons.
# Sheets: 3

To have empathy and imagine how they’re feeling, you must first learn about your own feelings. Color the different feels as you think about times when you have felt that way.

Paste the chart on the chart on page 3 somewhere you can see it easily, and every day before bed, share hoy you felt that day with your caregiver.

When you share how you feel, you’re being kind to yourself!

Caregivers: Help your children talk about the feelings they had throughout the day and share with them your feelings as well using the chart on page 3. Reflect on these feelings without judgement. Remember there are no bad feeling, only harder ones.
Help children identify and verbalize their feelings and normalize the different feelings whether they are easy or hard feelings. Strengthen Emotional Intelligence