i'm a caregiver


Why kindness?

Since 2017 at kawanimals we’ve studied kindness and the benefits it has on kids, making some amazing discoveries!

Multiple studies in the last decades have proven the benefits of teaching kids kindness from a young age: it improves their academic performance, leadership skills and capacity for teamwork. It builds emotional intelligence and improves their mental and physical well-being. Learn all about these benefits in this video.

That’s why we created kawanimals! Adorable creatures that help caregivers teach their kids these valuable lessons. Our content is designed to holistically develop empathy, self-esteem and environmental awareness. All our of content has been reviewed and approved by professionals in fields like child psychology, nutrition and conservation, to make sure that we provide you with fun and accurate content.

When we teach our kids to be kind, we’re contributing to making their lives better and building a kinder world for them. By sharing these lessons with them, we in turn become kinder human beings: the best way to teach kindness, is by being kind!