home is where the heart is


Home is where your heart is.

When we do chores at home we’re taking care of it and being kind with the people we share it with.


Download the activity

Mtaerials: Pencils, colors or markers and tape.

Pick 4 chores from the list that you can do to help at home and write them on you chart.


  • Clean my room

  • Make my bed

  • Get my school things ready

  • Take out / out away the dishes

  • Pick up my clothes

  • Fold and put away my clothes

  • Feed the pets

  • Water the plants

  • You can also add new chores according to you age.

Paste the chart somewhere you can see it every day and each time you do a chore, give yourself a heart by filling it in.

Caregivers: Solidarity starts at home, and helping out with chores is a way of being kind with the people we share it with. Help your child pick their chores according to their age, and supervise small children the first times doing them.
Purpose: Create a culture where chores are seen as acts of kindness as opposed to obligations. Build self-esteem by fostering independence and a sense of belonging.