champions of kindness


Champions of kindness.

Win your “Champion of Kindness” medal by completing this calendar.


Download the activity

Materials: Markers, colors or crayons, scissors and tape.

Champions of Kindness do something kind every day! It can be something small or big: like saying thank you or please, helping a friend, saying something nice to someone or sharing your toys. Each act of kindness matters.

Download this calendar and paste it somewhere you can see every day. At the end of each day, think of something kind you did and color in a star.

When you complete the calendar you’ve earned your Champion of Kindness medal, Cut it out and paste it in a special place.

Caregivers: Help children identify what an act of kindness is, either to others, to themselves or for our planet and help them see how easy practicing kindness on a daily basis is. Small children may need help using scissors.
Purpose: Helps children realize how easy being kind is and teach them the value of small acts of kindness.